Finding Best Name For Your New Perfume

Names are important. Pick the wrong name and you might get sued. Pick the right name and not only do you sell more perfume, you add a valuable asset to your business. Most perfume names neither help nor hurt. Most perfume names neither inspire nor infuriate. They waste an opportunity. They drain potential profits. Yet people continue to name perfumes without ever bothering to ask, "Aren't there any axioms I can follow to help me develop a valuable perfume name?" The most obvious rule is you don't take someone else's name. But each year more than 1,000 new fragrances are launched and each must have its peculiar name. That means every ten years 10,000 names become off limits to you. You need to know, now, how to avoid picking a name that has already been taken while establishing your rights to names you have developed. Then, in years to come, those other marketers will have to watch out for you There's a second piece of common wisdom in developing a name ...