Using Perfume Samples to Find New Fragrances

Finding a new fragrance that mixes well with your natural scent can be a daunting task. An aroma on one person may not smell the same on another, and as a result it can be difficult to make a purchase based on something you may or may not have liked that you whiffed on someone else.

That's where perfume samples come in handy.

Samples deliver a smaller portion of the scent you wish to try out. Using one allows you to indulge in every facet of the perfume, from the top notes to the base. And since perfumes can be very expensive, it also allows you to invest less money in a smaller quantity so you can decide if the scent samples are right for you.

Furthermore, if you are not a big "perfume wearer," then you can experience the luxury that a rich and fulfilling scent can bring at an even smaller cost. Here are a few more features and benefits of using fragrance samples to find new fragrances:
Using Perfume Samples to Find New Fragrances

Strength of Perfume Samples

Since fragrance samples are a great way for companies to convince you to buy more of their product, you normally get the product at its regular strength. It may even be slightly stronger; it just depends on the company and the packaging. If scent samples were placed on a piece of cardboard, as is often the case, they require a stronger sample to prevent fast dissipation. Bottom line: perfume samples will last as long on your body as the "real deal."

Economy of Perfume Samples

There are two main types of "perfume wearers":

The "Every day-ers" - These people splash it on every day and can burn through a bottle every month (at least). With the often-expensive prices of perfume, it is easy to see how this habit can become quite expensive.

The "Special Occasion-ers" - These people only wear it for anniversaries, family reunions, or maybe the odd moment where stars align and the babysitter isn't doing something on the night they and their spouses simply must get away.

If you fall in the latter category or somewhere between the two, then you can stand to save a lot of money by investing in perfume samples instead of the full versions. That means your perfume samples will last for three-to-five applications, which could be months or even a year depending on how many you keep.

Scents of Perfume Samples

Perfume samples are available in a wide variety of styles and locations. You may be able to purchase them online, or you may be able to get them for free out of a magazine. Some may be a single note. (Most perfumes have three: top, middle, and base.) Others may contain the full version. Regardless, the greatest benefit of using perfume samples is the control they give you in concocting your own signature scent. Mix and match samples and come up with a scent that is unique to your tastes and preferences.

Perfume samples are not for everyone. If you have a scent that you love dearly and are not in the mood to experiment, then by all means stick with what you have. However, if you do not have that one scent that speaks to you, if you like to try different product, or if you prefer the mad scientist role of devising your own scent, perfume samples offer a fast and affordable way of meeting your needs


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